Linux Desktop File Entries
March 22, 2022
Desktop entry files, .desktop, are used to create shortcuts (taskbar and search) for installed applications. Generally polished linux installers for a program (ex: Google) will create a .desktop file for you as part of the install process. If you’ve installed a program, and no shortcut is created, then most likely a .desktop file was not created as part of the installation process. No fear, it is a simple process to create one for any installed program.
.desktop files should be stored in /usr/share/applications
(global, for all users) or ~/.local/share/applications
(per user)
Example Of Linux Desktop Entry File - VSCode
[Desktop Entry]Name=Visual Studio CodeComment=Code Editing. Redefined.GenericName=Text EditorExec=/usr/share/code/code --unity-launch %FIcon=com.visualstudio.codeType=ApplicationStartupNotify=falseStartupWMClass=CodeCategories=Utility;TextEditor;Development;IDE;MimeType=text/plain;inode/directory;application/x-code-workspace;Actions=new-empty-window;Keywords=vscode;X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.24[Desktop Action new-empty-window]Name=New Empty WindowExec=/usr/share/code/code --new-window %FIcon=com.visualstudio.code
Important things to note here
- Exec is the command to execute for the program
- You can add an entry for each action you want on your shortcut. Ex: New Empty Window, Incognito, New Document, etc… The action maps to a command (which might pass certain arguments), this means you do have to know what command to use to each action.
- Icon determines what picture to show for shortcut. It can be a path to a local file.
Other questions
- How does linux find the .desktop files?
- It’s determined by the
environment variable. This contains a list of paths to check in precedence order. You can see flatpak added it’s own path to this.
- It’s determined by the
- How are icons found if not using a file path?
- According to icon theme spec